Young Cumbria at Florence

Young Cumbria’s fabulous team of wonderful young artists.

Young Cumbria is a youth work charity for young people aged 11 – 25 years.


Florence Arts Centre Murals

Get Cumbria Buzzing:

This piece of work was funded by the Cumbria wildlife trust and was to help raise awareness of the pollina- tors project taking place across the west coast of Cumbria, the young artists had a simple brief; bees , flow- ers and bright colours! The work was designed on the day (showing just how talented these yp truly are!) and took around 4 hours to complete. 


Rainforest Leopard:

This mural was created by a team of seven young artists and is the culmination of three months work by the group learning about the various environmental issues affecting our world today. The mural, designed by Ellie Penn, focuses on the impact of slash and burn tactics used in the Amazon rainforest to create farm land for cattle. The mural took 6 hours to complete, the group worked really hard on a cold blustery (and wet) January weekend.